When we first tested this product in 2022, tester Candace Abellon tried 50 mg daily for three days, then intermittently for several months.
“I found that distilled CBD oil had a relaxing effect without making me sleepy,” she said. “It was perfect for relaxing without getting too sleepy.”
Tester Brittany Blankenship had a similar experience.
“It had a visibly very calming effect on my body, helped reduce the pit in my stomach that caused anxiety, and helped me be more productive throughout the day,” she said.
It also helped her relax before bed, and she felt some immediate effects and some effects that got stronger over time. She said the taste was smooth and the aroma was neutral.
Photo by Christy Snyder.
When Healthline's advanced CBD tester Christy Snyder tried this again in late 2024, she found it to be buttery due to the MCT oil. “It didn’t really taste like hemp and it was pleasant,” she said.
CBD generally helps manage her anxiety-induced insomnia, and this oil was also beneficial. “After taking the oil, I noticed that I felt physically relaxed. For me, if I could reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety, my intrusive thoughts (and) intense thoughts would slow down and decrease. It helps,” Snyder said.
It took about an hour to feel the effects. “Physically and emotionally, I feel less anxious and tense, which makes it easier to fall asleep. Coincidentally, I also suffer from lower back pain and found this to relieve some of the pain. I did.”