(WXYZ) — A downtown Detroit company is cashing in on the performance of winning sports teams. Business owners say the success of the Detroit Tigers and Lions has led to an economic boom.
“The Golden Fleece has been here for 54 years, and I remember when I was a kid this was the city's sports center,” says owner Yani Dionysopoulos.
On Monday night, fans like father and son James Vincent Jr. and Joel Livingston said they had no doubt their team would win and would celebrate in a Detroit bar.
“It's unbelievable, especially the night games and the prime-time games, it goes on all day every day,” manager Tyler Tocco said.
Joel added: “That's a lot of money. It's always full before the game and you can ride the shuttle over there.”
Nearby Athens Liquor sells more than just spirits quickly.
“They're buying everything,” manager Frank Arabo said.
His store sees a lot of demand for team hats and shirts late in the day.
he says: “They buy hats from me, anything that has to do with Tigers or Lions, of course.”
In particular, the owners say they haven't felt an atmosphere like this in Greektown in nearly a decade, and they hope the success continues.
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