Deformation of the matrix around NK92 immune cells as they migrate through the 3D collagen gel (arrows). Credit: Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
To reach targets such as tumors, immune cells must leave the bloodstream or lymph vessels and travel through connective tissue. Previously, scientists assumed that immune cells constantly change their shape and thus move through tissues through the smallest pores and openings.
Using a new measurement method, researchers at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) were able to determine that immune cells also exert traction on surrounding tissues in order to pass through particularly narrow pores. Ta. Their results were published in the journal Nature Physics.
To get from A to B, immune cells don't just adjust their shape. At times, they become attached to their surroundings and exert force on them to advance themselves.
“These contraction phases help immune cells move through particularly narrow pores,” says FAU Biophysics Chair holder, “Dynamics of Immune Cells Moving in 3D Biopolymers.” Professor Ben Fabry, co-author of the study titled 'Measuring Traction', explains: matrix. ”
“Immune cells are much faster and much smaller than most other cells in connective tissue. So far, we haven't been able to measure this kind of traction on immune cells. The discovery was only possible thanks to a new system that is significantly faster and more sensitive, a method that we have developed in Erlangen in recent years and are continually improving. ”
NK92 cells migrating through collagen (bright field and confocal reflection). Credit: Nature Physics (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02632-8
Research at the interface with mechanobiology
A new measurement method is 3D traction force microscopy, which measures traction forces and their effects on tissue in three dimensions. This method allows scientists to measure the forces of larger cellular structures, such as tumors, as well as the small forces of growing nerve cells.
The interdisciplinary nature of the team, which includes researchers from immunology, physics, mechanics, and neuroscience, ensures that the discoveries obtained from 3D traction force microscopy are not only relevant to isolated fields, but rather to mechanobiology. It is of ground-breaking importance to all sciences. .
Professor Fabry said: “Our discovery that immune cells can generate high contractile forces over a short period of time is just one example of how this new method can lead to fundamental discoveries. , we were able to show the following in our research.'' Growing nerve cells, particularly cells called growth cones, can exert contractile forces on their surroundings, and this may prove to be fundamentally important for the formation of neural pathways, especially in the developing brain. . ”
The research results do not yet predict future applications. But Fabry and his colleagues believe that knowledge about the contractile forces of immune, nerve, and cancer cells could contribute to the development of drugs aimed at promoting specific healing processes or slowing disease progression. I believe.
Meanwhile, FAU scientists have begun work on another study aimed at investigating the precise molecular mechanisms of traction-induced immune cell migration.
Further information: David Böhringer et al, Dynamic traction force measurements of migrating immune cells in 3D biopolymer matrices, Nature Physics (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02632-8
Provided by Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Citation: New measurement determines how immune cells actually migrate (October 14, 2024) from Retrieved October 17, 2024
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