CBD may be able to help people quit smoking by suppressing cravings and alleviating anxiety. Taylor Swartz/Stocksy UnitedA Washington State University study suggests that low concentrations of CBD may inhibit nicotine metabolism in smokers. Researchers tested enzymes involved in nicotine metabolism and concluded that CBD can reduce cravings for cigarettes. CBD may help you quit smoking for years Experts believe CBD may be a non-addictive alternative, but it should be used alongside other methods when trying to quit smoking. It is recommended that they be used together.
If you've decided to quit smoking, you may not know where to start. Would you like to try nicotine patches or hypnosis? Or does it just make it colder? New research suggests CBD may help.
The study, conducted by a team of researchers at Washington State University, found that CBD, the non-psychoactive component of cannabis, can inhibit nicotine metabolism. Researchers tested CBD in microsomes from human liver tissue and a specialized cell line to see how it affected nicotine metabolism.
The research team found that several of these enzymes were inhibited, including CYP2A6, the key enzyme in nicotine metabolism, and concluded that CBD can reduce the urge to smoke.
Research suggests that more than 70% of nicotine is metabolized by this particular enzyme, which can be inhibited by relatively low doses of CBD.
John Robson, CEO and founder of medical cannabis clinic Mamedica, says CBD has the potential to be a non-addictive alternative to cigarettes and can help people quit smoking in a number of ways, including: We believe that there is.
relieve stress and anxiety
CBD is often used to relieve anxiety, but Robson says this is especially beneficial for smokers. “CBD has been shown to have anxiolytic properties, meaning it can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety, which can help people quit smoking.” It can help you deal with withdrawal symptoms,” he says.
If smoking has long been used as an important means of managing stress and anxiety, a reduction in these feelings may also cause people to reach for cigarettes less and less.
reduce cravings for nicotine
“CBD may also help suppress appetite,” Robson says. “CBD has been shown to have potential as a treatment for drug addiction and may help reduce cravings for nicotine,” he says.
Vaporized CBD, in particular, can be a good alternative. Because the user has to inhale the vapor, they are imitating the act of smoking. It's a habit that you repeat many times a day. In this way, CBD could be an alternative to the repetitive motion of smoking.
reduce inflammation
Additionally, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial to your overall health and may make it easier to quit smoking.
“Chronic smoking can cause inflammation and damage to the lungs, which can make it more difficult to quit,” Robson explains. “CBD's anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce lung inflammation and promote healing.”
One concern, of course, is that using CBD to quit smoking will simply replace one harmful habit with another.
Robson says these concerns are unfounded, noting that CBD's side effects are often mild and temporary, and the substance is neither harmful nor addictive.
“The World Health Organization (WHO) states that CBD 'shows no effects indicating potential for abuse or dependence' in humans,” he points out. “Furthermore, subsequent reviews of CBD safety and side effects found that CBD has a “favorable safety profile” and is well tolerated in humans. ”
Therefore, CBD may be an effective way to replace a habit without becoming habit-forming itself. Of course, this new study is just one study, and more research is needed to explore CBD as a smoking cessation tool.
A controlled study published in 2013 found that taking cannabidiol reduced cigarette consumption in smokers. Participants treated with CBD significantly reduced the number of cigarettes they smoked by 40% during treatment, and some maintained this new frequency at follow-up.
Abbas Kanani, a pharmacist at the online pharmacy Chemist Click, said the current research is certainly “promising,” but to see if this theory can actually help people quit for good, it will take a study among smokers. He said further verification was needed.
Robson agrees. “There are several avenues to advance our understanding of how to effectively use CBD to help people quit smoking, including clinical trials, comparative studies, and long-term studies,” he says.
If you're thinking about quitting smoking, you may be wondering what methods can be beneficial, both with and without CBD. Kanani says nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) may help.
“NRT is a drug that provides low levels of nicotine without the tar, carbon monoxide, and other toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke. It is available as skin patches, chewing gum, and mouth sprays,” he explains.
Counseling can also increase your chances of quitting smoking permanently. Kanani says this is especially effective when combined with other smoking cessation treatments such as NRT.
Similarly, don't underestimate the support of family and friends. Changing your lifestyle comes with its challenges, but by helping others understand your goals, you may be better able to achieve them.
“You should let those close to you know that you may feel irritable, develop symptoms of depression, and may not be your usual self during withdrawal,” Kanani advises.
“You may be tempted to smoke in social situations, too, but the more people who know about your goals, the more likely they are to remind you of them or help you along the way.” “It will be,” he says.
When it comes to CBD, the news that it can help you quit smoking is certainly promising, but changing your habits rarely takes just one treatment or lifestyle adjustment.
It often requires a multifaceted approach, including thinking about your reasons for smoking and changing your environment to support you.